Our Mission at Bronzeville


Every night, restaurants and eateries close with a great deal of food left, all of which gets thrown out and wasted. We work with establishments to instead distribute these leftovers to food pantries and shelters for the homeless who don’t have adequate access to food.

To help with distribution, visit our volunteer page.

What We Wish To Addreess

  • Racial Discrepancies

    Black and White residents of Milwaukee contribute similarly to the total population of Milwaukee. Black residents represent 38.3% of the total population; White residents represent 34.1% of the total population. Despite similar representation, the poverty rate within Black residents is 21.7% higher.

  • The Milwaukee Breakdown

    Feeding America estimates that over 140,000 residents of Milwaukee may go hungry in a calendar year. Furthermore, 1 in 11 Milwaukee households experience low food security. To meet the needs of the hungry in Milwaukee, an estimated $263,000,000 is needed per year.

A study published in the National Institutes of Health journal reports that of 2,898 subjects lacking a nighttime residence:

  • 57.2% report having infrequent meals

  • 39.8% report having gone an entire day without eating in the past month

  • 61.1% report inadequate food availability

  • 81.2% report experiencing some form of food insecurity.

Hunger within the homeless population is evidently an alarming issue. At Bronzeville we believe that nourishment is a human right. That is why we made it our goal to help provide food to the homeless of Milwaukee to the best of our ability

Of a sample size of 2,898 homeless subjects, 81.2% report experiencing a form of food insecurity